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Accepted Insurance Plans

A Wide Range of Coverage


We accept most major insurance plans. We also accept HMO plans by our provider group Independent Clinics of Washington (formerly HMSO), such as AARP Medicare Complete by United Health Care.  We do not accept Medicaid or DSHS as primary or secondary insurance at this time.


For patients with verified insurances, co-pays and known deductibles are due before seeing the doctor.  Cash patients must pay their full visit fee before seeing the doctor. Patients with no verifiable insurances are considered cash patients.  Bills are sent monthly by mail and electronically in your HTFM Patient Portal account.  Unpaid balances after three months may be sent to collections.  All the above may be superseded by prior arrangements with our billing department.  Please direct all billing questions to:




Payments may be made by Visa, Mastercard, or cash. Payments by credit or debit cards can be made in person, by phone, or online using the button below. 


Payments may be made online by clicking the button below.  It takes you to our payment agent, FullSteam via EZpay.  You enter your personal billing information then press the 'continue payment' button.  For your security, your information is not saved by the payment system.  However, the browser on your computer may remember the form and be able to automatically save the information at your end.  Your payment is automatically posted to your account unless received after normal business hours, in which case it will be posted the following business day by our billing department. 

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